The desire to have an organized and transparent approach to service delivery to the needy, vulnerable persons in West Nile in a holistic manner, that is not only limited to a single area of disability intervention but a wide range of intervention areas of need to the community prompted the formation of CEIL- an indigenous non-governmental Organization
1. Disability and Rehabilitation
2. Livelihood Enhancement
3. Protection & Good Governance
4. Education and Sports
5. Community Health
6. Development Research
To boost the capacity of persons with disabilities by providing for their physical, social and economic rehabilitation
To enhance agricultural production through promoting modern farming practices, value addition and produce marketing.
To promote entrepreneurship among persons with disabilities, women and youth through training opportunities, advisory services and market linkages
To strengthen community based rehabilitation focusing on child protection, sexual gender based violence and human rights based approach to programming
and disability rights
iv. To promote primary healthcare by focusing Eye Care, HIV/AIDS, malaria prevention, facilitating access to reproductive health services and improving access to safe water, sanitation and hygiene
To promote education by focusing on skills training, learning, infrastructure development, performance enhancement through stakeholder engagements, and sports for the disabled child in School
To promote development and social integration through sports for persons with disabilities
To provide a platform to advocate on issues of corruption, civic engagement on political and electoral processes and the role of citizens and leaders to promote accountability
To undertake quality research in all programme areas to enhance best practices to facilitate evidence based decision making processes
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